Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Comments? Feedback?

Dear all, I'm going to try to fix the pictures so they will be in numerical order. The kids worked so hard on this so I want you to be able to see the finished product in the correct order! I will scan the sheets in and see if that works.... Let me know if you have any suggestions.....For now, I would look at the TAble Of Contents and find your house number.... Then find the pages that correlate. I did number each page. I know this isn't the most ideal way but this is a "work in progress".You can write feedback on the blog or email to mrsjohnsonspaceclass@gmail.comThanks!Sarah

Tuesday, July 10, 2012


Windows of Downtown Huntsville ABC Book
SPACE Project
Blossomwood 5th Graders/Mrs. Johnson's Class

TABLE OF CONTENTS-NEW *Revised 7/10/2012

604 Clinton.....Pages 1-2.....By: Preston and Rhett

519 Randolph.....Pages 3-7.....By:  Grace and Meagan

609 Randoph.....Pages 8-11.....By:  Leslie

602 Clinton.....Pages 12-15.....By:  Sean

606 Clinton.....Pages 16-19.....By: Joe, Zach, and Jonathon

603 Randooph.....Pages 20-34....By:  Claire and Margaret

516 Randolph.....Pages 35-41.....By:  Riley and Caleb

700 Randolph.....Pages 42-45.....By:  Fred

610 Clinton.....Pages 46-53.....By:  Mattie-Carson and Grace

512 Randolph....Pages 54-59....By:  Gage

608 Clinton....Pages 60-67.....By:  Elizabeth

Here we go!

I just discovered that pictures from my iPad will do the trick! I will post from the The Table of Contents on...pages 1-64
For some reason after I uploaded the pictures IN ORDER, they randomly distributed themselves.  I will try to mess with them and rearrange them.  ENJOY! I am also going to post a NEW table of contents b/c the other one was a little off.  THANKS! Please post comments and again, Im sorry that it is not in the right order. I TRIED!